Start Your Adwords Campaign With a Killer CTR!

One of the main problems advertisers on Google have is getting a good CTR from the start of a campaign. Often, you start your ad and have to wait for the clicks until your CTR is high enough to be given good placement in the sponsored listings. Want to be sure you’ll get a killer CTR right off the bat?

Here's what you do...

Go to Google and search on a keyword or niche you’re looking to advertise on.

Take note of which ads come up on both the paid and above the organic listings.

Search for your keyword again, this time type a random string of numbers after the search term. (ex: keyword 2452456454)

Google should say “Your search - “keyword 2452456454 - did not match any documents.” If you see this, good, but we’re not done.

Did you notice that you still see ads displayed on the right under paid listings, and maybe a few above the organic listings? (left side of Google)

Google can’t show you real results because of your random character string, but it does still do some computer magic and spit out a few ads.

You guessed it. Those ads are shown because they have a high CTR. Google showed these, even though the advertiser wasn’t directly bidding on your search term because they have the highest CTR of all Adwords advertisers for your search term.

Now you simply need to use those ads as a template for your own Adwords ad, and you can sleep nicely knowing that you’ve started with an ad that will pull in the clicks.

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